Project Details
November, 2018
Career Information Provider
Introduction- Career Information Provider is a web based application designed by us to supply students in school with information about their dream job achievement by providing them with information about the subjects and courses they should take and the best universities that provide them with it.
Objective- Our objective is to provide crystal clear information about what courses and colleges one needs to achieve their specific dream.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back End- MySQL, PHP
Text Editor- Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver
Type of Application- Web Application
Web Browser- Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- XAMPP Server
September, 2020
Object Detection
Introduction- The main purpose of this project is to make object detection and tracking based surveillance systems accessible for everyone. This project is designed as low cost applications. Therefore it is an offline application and will be very user friendly as well as interactive user interface. Human brain can easily understand the visual frames which seen by eyes, but computers cannot do it without any special methodology. If we compare human and computer, camera module is the eye of the computer and the computer vision is the way that how brain understand the image. Computer vision is a field that includes some methods, processing and analysing techniques for understanding images. Also known as image analysis, scene analysis and image understanding.
Objective- This project’s objective is to implement machine learning into an android application as well as with the help of machine learning vision, deliver a crystal clear information to the user about the objects into the images.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js,
Firebase-ML Vision
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server, Firebase Server
March, 2020
MERI PathShala
Introduction- This application is for those students, who are not able to attend the classes because of some reason and they do not want to miss any topic. They will be able to watch those lectures through this application that they have missed. As well as teachers will be also able to manage a student's over all academic records and activity. This is the application in which student can interact with the teachers as well as the students.
Objective- Main objective of this project is to provide the classes and related study material to the student, who are not presesnt in the school and don't want to miss anything.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js
Back End- NoSQL, MongoDB, Mongoose
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server, Mongo Server
December, 2020
Introduction- This is a chatting application that allow users be able to the chat with each other, like a normal chat application. The users will be able to chat with each other, most likely only from user to user, no group chatting will be developed, unless there is time to do so.
Objective- Main objective of this project is to provide the platforms that enable instant messaging with each other.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js,
Back End- Firebase Cloud Database, Firebase
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server, Firebase Server
January, 2021
Helicopter 2D
Introduction- This application is just for fun.The main purpose of developing it to develop the new skills towards React Native and improve the old skills. Enjoy the game.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server
January, 2021
Tic Tac Toe
Introduction- Tic-Tac-Toe also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os. This is a very famous 2 person game. I just made it for fun as well as my interest. Enjoy the game.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server
January, 2021
Rock Paper Scissor
Introduction- Rock Paper Scissors is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand.
Tools and Platform-
Front End- React Native, JavaScript, Node.js
Text Editor- Visual Studio Code
Type of Application- Android Application
Running Device- Android Emulator, USB Debugging
Operating System- Windows 10
Server- Node.js Server